

ever heard something so true about your past tht you were B E Y O N D blind about and
it made you rethink the past 6 months?
shit i sure did.
and i heard that shit today.
i' m sitting here looking dumb as hell like, so I was told to believe one thing when
it was really the other all along .
ha- ha
Damnnn .
even those who seemed to imitate angels
and decided to enter YOUR life and make an impact
could be apart of the devil's plan.
Your "down-fall".
Shit... You just don't know any more with
people. Some times I wish when I met a person
I could press a button that tells me what will happen
with that new friendship in 6 months.
That would be nice.
Because there is nothing more worse in this world
than a deceiving person... especially some one
who has turned into a deceiving person.
Yeah well... I did my friday routine today.
Duece Duece

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