
Lumdi Lumdi

this weekend mustve been the best weekend
ever. saw my little cousin "nigi pigi". helped my
mom find some of her jodeci and missy albums
from when i was a youngin'. got a suprise visit!
(from whom should remain nameless).
Oo! And The highlight!
My mother's bridal shower.
now i've heard my mother say some wild shit in front
of me.
But nottthing like what she has been saying about her
bridal party. well to give you an idea... she got a cake
in the shape of something wildly inappropriate for
any 14 or younger year old to be seeing. trust.
it was crazy. not going to get into detail about it because
her friends read the blog as well ha-ha.
and another high light of this weekend!
I mean TRUUU colors.
And they weren't bad.
As a matter of fact they were good.
And I was suprised !
Yep well off to bed I go .

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